Hal Stoltz | 1943–2023

Beloved (retired) Counselor at Bothell and Woodinville High Schools, Hal lived a big life, full of enthusiasm, adventures, and many causes of happiness. He was an Eagle Scout, Mountain Climber, Geologist, Soldier, Singer, Traveler, Canoeist, Sailor, “Fool- osopher,” Mountain Man, Actor, Living Historian, Leather Craftsman, Teacher, and Counselor Extraordinaire to generations of high school students. AND he was the most positive, supportive guy one could hope to have as a father, grandfather, colleague, or friend. Forever a kid at heart, Hal drank deeply from the well of life’s experiences, always ready to learn or try something new, and always up for a good (or bad) joke. He made the best of every day, work or play, for himself and those around him. He is dearly missed by his children, grandchildren, and many, many friends.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. at the Both- ell United Methodist Church (Bothell, WA). Family and friends are invited to RSVP for the event or share memories, stories, or photos of Hal at https://bit.ly/halstoltz.
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